The Roar
The Roar


Roar of the crowd FAQs

Wondering how the Roar works, who Roar of The Crowd writers are, and how they become ‘Experts’?

This page should address your questions.

If it doesn’t, then please contact us to ask your question.

Roar of the crowd FAQs

Q: How long should my article be, ideally?
A: We find a sweet spot for articles around 500-750 words. If your piece is longer than this, it may need to be tightened and shortened. There is scope for longer articles that are in-depth. However, consider shortening pieces that are strong opinion.

Q: Is The Roar a stepping stone to a career?
A: Certainly. Many people who started as Roar of the Crowd contributors are now full time in the sports writing game. Here’s a list of our alumnni.

Q: How do I add links, formatting, tweets and videos into an article?
A: If you want to add your suggested links, tweets, youtube videos and formatting in brackets next to the words it best applies to, our editors will make sure it’s included in the article.

Q: How can I submit a table, ladder or spreadsheet?
A: Our editors can insert whatever you need into your post. then please Get in touch with our editors and we can discuss how to give your article those bells and whistles.


Q: How do I get more views on my article?
A: Check out our list of tips for all contributors here. Most importantly, views grow over time, so be consistent and don’t give up!

Q: What if my article needs to be run before an event, today or even right now?
A: Get in touch and let us know so we don’t miss a thing.

Q: How do I get an image on my article?
A: Our editors handle the images on articles, but if you’ve been at a game or a press conference,send in your pics or vids to us to accompany the article.

Q: Do you publish everything submitted?
A: No – we’ll publish everything we can, but if it’s spammy, straight PR, or content not appropriate for our sports loving audience, it probably won’t be published. If it’s appropriate and well-written, expect to see it on The Roar.

Q: How do Roar of the crowd writers become ‘experts’ on the site?
A: We monitor all Roar of the crowd contributors and from time to time we’ll suggest that they become an expert columnist. If you’re interested in becoming an expert, then please drop us a line.

Q: What do you look for in expert columnists?
A: We look at the quality of writing and opinion being expressed. Then we also consider the number of comments and page views the author is receiving. This is a measure of how well the writer is engaging with their audience. We also monitor the balance of our experts, so we’re covering all the key Australian sports.

Q: Why am I not a Pro / Guru yet?
A: We have an algorithm that works out what level our writers should be at based on the frequency they contribute through to the response (comments, views) they receive. If you feel you should be a higher level than you currently are, then please email us and we’ll review accordingly.


Q: How often are the levels updated?
A: Nightly.

Q: How do I become an Expert?
A: Experts are typically invited by our editors. That said, if you are an experienced journalist or have shown on the site that you can write world-class sports opinion, then please get in touch with our editors.

Q: Can I get more involved in The Roar?
A: Yes! We are growing rapidly and this is unlocking great opportunities for quality editors, live bloggers and sports writers. If you feel you have something to contribute, please check our jobs board or drop us a line directly.
